Dayton Repetitive Stress Injury Lawyers
Performing a motion one time, such as assembling a product or lifting a hospital patient, usually does not cause an injury. But doing it again and again can injure muscles, nerves and tendons. Little by little the damage is done, until the worker begins to notice that something is wrong.
If you have suffered a repetitive stress injury while performing your work duties, you have a right to claim workers' compensation benefits. However, those benefits will not come automatically. Because a repetitive stress injury is a "soft tissue" injury, it can be difficult to prove the severity of the injury or even its existence. To get benefits, you must show that the injury is real and that it adversely affects your ability to perform your job. Without skilled legal representation, you may not receive the workers' compensation benefits you deserve.
Dayton And Cincinnati Workers' Compensation Attorneys
At Hochman & Plunkett, our attorneys have more than 150 years of combined experience representing injured people. We know the Ohio workers' compensation system and how to help our clients get the medical benefits, rehabilitation therapy and disability benefits they are entitled to receive. When you choose us to represent you, we will put our knowledge and years of experience to work for you.
The key to winning a workers' compensation case is to get information into your medical record that supports your claim. Our repetitive stress injury attorneys are skilled at building medical records and gathering other key information that proves the existence of the injury and how it affects our clients' health and ability to work.
Health Care Repetitive Stress Injuries
Many nurses and nurse's assistants suffer repetitive stress injuries to the back and shoulders due to repeated lifting or repositioning of patients. Our law firm has helped many health care workers in southern Ohio obtain workers' compensation benefits. If your claim has been denied or your benefits prematurely terminated, you have a strong advocate at Hochman & Plunkett.
Contact A Lawyer
To schedule a free consultation about a repetitive stress injury claim, contact Hochman & Plunkett.